Meet the Twins, Dan and Dan, and Share in Some Laughs

Today I met Dan and Dan from the UK on YouTube.  I think they're twins.  They're absolutely funny, and have lovely soothing voices.  We got off on the right foot and so I decided to indulge myself in some fun.  I drank some fruit punch and listened to them go on about some interesting things for about an hour or so.  Thought I'd introduce them to some of my friends before letting them meet my parents.  I know you'll love them.

So do get yourself a nice glass of fruit punch, it seems most appropriate, and enjoy.

(Dan and Dan don't always get along...)

As you can see, they may not even be friends?...

You're probably getting along very well by now, yes? Finding them quirky and funny and sweet are we?  Well, hold onto your horses, I have just found out that there has been some deception.

Uh, excuse me?

Well, I'm really not sure what to think or say. I just don't know Dan and Dan anymore. Or is it Dan and Dan and Dan and ...
*throws punch at the Dans face(s)*
*sobs wildly*

Excuse me.

*runs out of the room*

I don't think they'll be meeting my parents after all.

For more Dan and Dan, please visit "Dan and Dan - The First Sign of Madness" .


Ann Rodela said…
Wow! I found the video absolutely fun, hilarious and refreshing! I really enjoyed the video where they might not be friends even though they are sitting on the same couch and talking as friends! Hahaha...good one. :)
Frieda Babbley said…
I laughed my ass off when I saw it. someone posted one on facebook and I just had to go with it. Thanks for popping in to check it out, Ann. Glad you enjoyed.