Nouvelle Vague - video of the day
For a long time now I have been completely enamorate of Nouvelle Vague. Their sound really takes me places. From covers to originals, they have a unique sound that really does it for me, makes me want to get all dressed up, sing, dance, and fly a little bit. I ran across them on MySpace and had to fan them right away when I did.
Today, I have been napping. Oh, sure, I may have woken up from a dream, that I could turn into a novel,by two children smacking my head to resolve a fight and two other coming in to argue so that I could chose which one was in the right (and thus my favorite - a game I did not play by the way), but no matter. Today I did promice to think about myself. And this fits the mood.
xxLola & Nora:)
PS thanks for stopping by with your lovely comment! Agree Nora (the cat!) is great fun & so talented! And yes, the Nora- Lola duo's a tad confusing - especially when Lola was interviewing HERSELF in a couple of recent posts!! xx