Hubber Poll: Grade A Prime HubNuggets - Feb. 27th

Hubber Poll: Grade A Prime HubNuggets - Feb. 27th

I'm on here! Yes, me! Please vote for your favorite! (Mine of course.) You don't have to be a part of the hubber community to do so! Mine is "How to Keep Yourself Beautiful All the Time."
I want to say I never expected this in my wildest dreams. But here I am, and at the time of writing this, I am in the lead. (Yay me!)

I'd like to throw out a special thanks to everyone's support and inspiration. There are super bloggers and hubbers out there that I enjoy and discover every day. Each and every one of you keep me going and spark great things to ponder and write about. So Kudos to all of you. You guys are, in a word, AWESOME!

Thanks for checking us hubbers out. And don't forget to vote!


Anonymous said…
My gosh, girl. You have 16% of the vote when I voted! So so cool! Way to go you wonderful writer!
Frieda Babbley said…
Oh I'm a lot further down I think. It was pretty close the last time I checked. The odd thing is, the one who was winning the last time I checked had hardly any fans to speak of and none but 3 comments. Hmmm. There were some really good ones though.
It's so exciting just to be in the running. Fab feeling for sure. Thanks for voting.
Did you read the comment left by Jamagenee? I couldn't even believe it. I was so livid I had to write. Shirley backed me up. Jama even went so far as to write the poor girl on her own hub! You've got to check it out cause it infuriated me. I know that Robie2 is my friend and her's was an excellent hub, but it's just not nice what Jama said. I'm surprised Robie2 didn't comment on it.
LOL people reading this are probably so confused.
"Confused? You won't be, after this episode of Soap." Anyone remember that one?
Anonymous said…
Oh-ho, Frieda! That mention of "Soap" gives us a guestimation of your age! Wonder how I know that? :)

Way to promote yourself, my dear! I love it...and your enthusiasm. I'm certain you are going to do really great at HP!

Best of luck in the HubNuggets competition!
Frieda Babbley said…
Hi Shirley! Ah, so now you know. Hmm. How DO you know that? LOL. Thanks! And pop by again! Suffering a bit with the flu so been slow with the writing this week.
Anonymous said…
I'm sorry to hear you're under the weather. Get well soon!
J A S said…
You need FOLUM for flu symptoms, contains hem of anorak, eye of newt, pinch of keyhole, stem of wallflower, hair of doormat.

Take two tablets until symptoms calm down.

Anonymous said…
Best of luck Frieda! I think the winners will be announced today!!! :)

Fingers crossed? :)

Feel better! :)
Frieda Babbley said…
You need to put that one in Dyslecsic's JAS! Sounds... tasty? Ugh. I hope it come in capsules and not a tincture. =Q Where have you been all my life?

Thanks Shirley and ProCW. It's a lingerer.

I'm really hoping those last 17 people vote! I'm dying over here. Figuratively speaking, of course. I'm going to catch up on some blog and hub reading. Hopefully that will make the time go by faster. Good thing I follow some awesome writers!
Unknown said…
Hey Frieda! One of my hubs got nominated for a hub nugget!

Make sure you vote up! Thanks :D
Frieda Babbley said…
Thanks David, I'll get right over there. Awesome! You must be thrilled!