Nouvelle Vague - video of the day

For a long time now I have been completely enamorate of Nouvelle Vague. Their sound really takes me places. From covers to originals, they have a unique sound that really does it for me, makes me want to get all dressed up, sing, dance, and fly a little bit. I ran across them on MySpace and had to fan them right away when I did.

Today, I have been napping. Oh, sure, I may have woken up from a dream, that I could turn into a novel,by two children smacking my head to resolve a fight and two other coming in to argue so that I could chose which one was in the right (and thus my favorite - a game I did not play by the way), but no matter. Today I did promice to think about myself. And this fits the mood.



Unknown said…
love their sound-- this is the first time I've heard them-- thanks:-)
I really loved that song and clip was so dreamy, love it.
Annie said…
What a cool sound, plus I love their moves. Like pinpackrat, this is my first time to hear them. Thanks!
JamaGenie said…
They're new to me, too, but I love the sound. I also loved the video, especially at the end when the girl seems to perk up when she's by herself, and then deflates. Very cute! thanks!
Lola said…
They're new to me, too, but I love the song & the clip. Adorable! Thanks!

xxLola & Nora:)

PS thanks for stopping by with your lovely comment! Agree Nora (the cat!) is great fun & so talented! And yes, the Nora- Lola duo's a tad confusing - especially when Lola was interviewing HERSELF in a couple of recent posts!! xx

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